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Founded by Barbara Dalio, Dalio Education collaborates with educators, schools, nonprofit organizations, and communities across Connecticut to engage and excite young people who are struggling and to help them succeed in school and life.
Web Solutions had already built two websites for other Dalio Foundation initiatives—the Connecticut Opportunity Project and RISE Network—but the organization wanted a new site to showcase all of the work being done by the Dalio Foundation to help students in Connecticut.
The new website features an About section introducing Barbara Dalio and explaining the history, mission and approach of Dalio Education, plus landing pages for Dalio Education’s major initiatives: RISE Network, the Connecticut Opportunity Project, Empowering Educators, and Supporting Students.
The site also includes a Resources section with valuable information and research on disengaged students in Connecticut, as well as News section with press releases, op-eds, and news articles.
For more information, visit