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Content Marketing

<span>7 Cool Content Ideas</span> to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

7 Cool Content Ideas to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

Running out of ideas for interesting social media posts? There’s no question social media is an important marketing tool for businesses, but it’s not always easy to come up with something fresh and different to keep your social media audience interested. Give your social media posts a makeover for 2018 with these 7 content categories that are proven to increase shares and conversions.

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<span>Is Your Website Optimized</span> for These 3 Key Search Types?

Is Your Website Optimized for These 3 Key Search Types?

Search engine optimization (SEO) used to be fairly straightforward. Figure out what keywords people are using when searching for something related to your site, then make sure you use those keywords in your website content.

But the way people use the internet is changing, and SEO is changing and expanding to accommodate the different ways people are searching for information online. To make sure those searchers find you, make sure your site is optimized for these three search types.

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<span>What to Do</span> When Someone Steals Your Online Content

What to Do When Someone Steals Your Online Content

Here at Web Solutions, we make it a priority to use our blog to share our marketing knowledge with our clients, and the world in general. Anyone is welcome (encouraged!) to link to our blogs, but the bottom line is that the content we create belongs to us.

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5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

5 Ways to Win More Customers with Inbound Marketing

When it comes to marketing, inbound is in. Inbound marketing generates 54% more leads than paid marketing and costs 62% less per lead. For smaller businesses with limited marketing budgets, inbound is even more effective—84% of small businesses focus primarily on inbound marketing. Here's how to use inbound to build your business.

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